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Okta SSO Deployment

Configure single sign-on for Vast Conference using Okta

Fong Vo avatar
Written by Fong Vo
Updated over a week ago
  1. Login your Vast Conference account

  2. Go to Account > Single Sign-On

  3. Select +Add New Identity Provider

4. Select Okta and Continue

5. Select Vast Conference (Website)

6. In Okta, expand the Applications menu and go to Applications

7. Click on Create App Integration

8. Select SAML 2.0 for Sign-in method

9. Click on Next

10. For App name, enter Conference Calling

12, Click the Upload arrow and add to Okta

13. Click Next

14. Enter in the Single sign in URL (found in your Vast Conference account)

15. Enter in the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) (found in your Vast Conference account)

16. For Name, enter "Email"

17. For Value, select

18. Click Next at the bottom of the page

19. Select I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app

20. Check the box for This is an internal app that we have created

21. Click Finish

22. On the next page, click on Sign On

23. Scroll down on right side click View SAML setup instructions

25. The following items are needed to complete the set up within your Vast Conference account

26. Continue the Okta setup from your Vast Conference account, click Continue

  1. Enter in your SAML 2.0 Endpoint

  2. Enter in your Identity Provider Issuer

  3. Paste your Public Certificate

  4. Click Save Configuration

  1. Once completed, you’ll see Okta listed as an Identity Provider

The instructions below are for video conferencing subscriptions only

This portion provides step-by-step information on how to configure Vast Conference Meeting Application in the Okta environment. 

Vast Conference (Meeting App)

This application will be used to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) for the Web Meeting Host application.

  1. Login your Vast Conference account

  2. Go to Account > Single Sign-On

  3. Select +Add New Identity Provider

  1. Select Okta and Continue

  2. Select Vast Conference (Meeting App)

1. Log in to your Okta environment as a user with administrative privileges. 

2. Click on the Admin button.

3. Go to Applications -> Applications menu item. 

4. Click on the Create App Integration button.

5. Choose SAML 2.0 for the Sign on method, then click Next.

6. In Step 1 General Settings enter “Web Meeting” in the App name field. Upload the logo file you downloaded from Vast Conference portal and click Next.

7. Step 2 Configure SAML:  In Section A SAML Settings, paste the URL below into the Single sign on URL field.

8. In the Attribute Statements (optional) section, add an attribute:

Name: Email > Name format: Unspecified > Value: 

9. Click Next to continue.
10. In Step 3 Feedback, select I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app and check the box for This is an internal app that we have created, then click Finish.

11. On the next page, click on Sign On

12. Scroll down on right side click View SAML setup instructions

13. A new page called How to Configure SAML 2.0 for Web Meeting Application will appear.

This information from Okta needs to be added to the Vast Conference SAML Authentication to complete the configuration.

14. Complete the integration with Save Configuration

Once completed, you’ll see Okta listed as an Identity Provider

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